Wednesday, September 12, 2012

NPR's Best Loved Young Adult Novels

This summer had readers vote and nominate their favorite Young Adult Novels and Series.  The results were released today and while there were a few trilogies, etc. that I didn't finish, I at least finished the book or a book in the series listed for a total of 38 books

How many have you read?


  1. 37. This is a great list - I voted when it first came out although my voting was influenced by the fact that I thought that some of the books listed weren't really intended to be YA literature even though many of those are taught in school.

    I know I'm not the only person who felt that some of the choices to begin with were sort of not quite YA - I remember people commenting on it that Betsy-Tacy series should be considered children's literature not YA, but I voted for that series based solely on the later books of the series that take place during Betsy's high school years since those were my favorite in the series anyway!

    Anyway, I'm going to save the list and read some more. :)

  2. I have to agree that I was surprised that many of the choices that made the list. The Princess Bride and My Sister's Keeper are 2 of my favorite books, but I consider them adult literature rather than YA. There's no reason a kid or teen couldn't read them, but I was surprised to see them on the list.
