Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Right to Publish and Inform

So I wanted to talk a little about the Kate Middleton photos. There was piece on NPR about it as I was driving home from the gym last night and here is a portion of it:
VICKI BARKER (Narrator): "...even as the duke and duchess' lawyers were preparing their case against Closer, its Italian sister magazine, Chi, was rushing out a special edition showing even more of the photos. Both are owned by Silvio Berlusconi. As prime minister, Berlusconi frequently invoked Italy's privacy laws to keep his colorful personal life out of the papers. British royals, he seems to believe, don't require the same protection. And Italian criminal lawyer Maurizio Bellacosa says it's not yet clear if Italian laws were broken.

MAURIZIO BELLACOSA (quoted on the radio): "It is difficult to say because we really are on the borderline between the right to inform and publish, and on the other side the protection of the privacy."

The right to publish and inform? Um...I wasn't aware that I needed to be informed about Kate Middleton's breasts.

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