Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Review: The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I loved the Evolution of Mara Dyer, but if you haven't read the first book, The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, please wait until you have read the volume one before reading this review.  Thanks!

When last we left Mara she had seen Jude, her ex-boyfriend who had supposedly died when the asylum crashed, but when she tries warn everyone about it, she's put under psychiatric watch and eventually an outpatient therapy program.  Her condition is considered PTSD from the building collapse and Jude's attempted rape and if Mara can keep smiling, she can convince the world that she doesn't need therapy.  Then she can find out why Jude is there.

As the walls keep closing in on Mara - inexplicable notes appear in her backpack, a childhood doll moves around her home, sleepwalking - Noah is her only saving grace, but how long can she keep pretending?

This was a good sequel.  It gets a little slow in the center, but Hodkin builds to a fantastic cliffhanger, that left me breatheless.  Evolution doesn't come out for over a month and I am already clamoring for the final volume in this series.

High reccommended!!!!!

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