Friday, September 14, 2012

Do You Remember Book It!?

This article in Mental Floss, reminded me what a big deal Book It! was when I was growing up. 

As kid, getting me to read was not a challenge, so when Pizza Hut started the Book It! program, in which students were rewarded with Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pizzas coupons for reading, I became a machine.  I had to get that pizza, because if I did I could take all my family members on pizza date. 

For some reason the big deal, was always with the one with my dad.  I'm not sure why it mattered to me so much.  Maybe it was because time between Dad and I wasn't as readily available as it was with my mom, so the couple hours I got him all to myself was huge for me. 

Looking back on it, now I think the whole thing is kinda funny and cute all at the same time.  Here I am so proud that I earned this and basically I'm eating the pizza myself, while Papa paid for his meal and my drink.  I would say that he got the raw end of the deal, but he didn't.

Book It! started a tradition between my father and I - the Pizza Date.  Even today, we'll go see a movie or watch our beloved Ohio University Bobcats play a game and at some point we'll grab a pie to split.  The only difference now is that sometimes we order beer instead of Cokes and once in a while, I pay for the whole thing - not just my little pizza! 

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