Thursday, September 20, 2012

Review: Bad Glass by Richard E. Gropp

Dean is stuck in a rut.  He hates his major, but father won't pay for college if he becomes a photography major.  Instead Dean takes the last of his tuition money and heads for Spokane, Washington, a city under quarantine.

His goal is to sneak into the city to document it's slow decline, but Dean has no idea what awaits him.  He doesn't know about the madness that has consumed the population and that there's no way of escaping it....

So, I have discovered that it's not wise for me to read too much into the copy on the for the novels I am reading.  Of course they are going to compare it to one of my favorite books.  They want me to read it and I fall prey to it every time. 

For the record, this book was compared House of Leaves, one of the most terrifying and enjoyable books I've ever read, so much expectations were on the high side.  While there were elements of creepy and unexplained that I desired, the book felt anti-climatic.  Maybe there were too many people disappearing and weird monsters...I'm not sure.  It just didn't do it for me, but again then again I was expecting to be as intense as House of Leaves.

And so little can achieve that level of fear. 

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