Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Retro Review: I Suck at Girls by Justin Hapern

Reposted from my tumblr blog.

To say I feel neurotic when I’m dating is an understatement.

I worry so much. Does he like me? Could he be the one? What if he is the one and I screw it up? These thoughts get me so stressed out that I often consider becoming the crazy dog lady and never leaving my apartment again.

Reading I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern reminded me that this happens to everyone.

In this book, he chronicles every failure and triumph he experienced with women up until he proposed to his girlfriend. Justin’s dating life has been no more or less glamourous than my own, but between his writing and his father’s always crass yet, direct advice, I realized that we all having our dating follies. Some are meant to be laughed at and others a little more painful, but they take us to where we are today.

It may be safer for me to stay indoors with my dog all the time, but then what would I have to talk about with my friends?

Anyways if you need a little bit of levity about dating or if you want to laugh your butt off, then read I Suck at Girls. I promise you’ll feel better.

Note: The language in this book is not the greatest, so if you’re afraid of being offended, ask some to read it aloud to you and ditch the language.

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