Review Policy

First of all, thank you for your interest in my and having me review your book.  I am very flattered, but before we begin the process there are a few things you might like to know: 

1.     The point of this blog is to share my thoughts about what I read.  With that said, if I do not enjoy your book, I will be honest and state my feelings in a mature fashion. 

2.     While I do accept unsolicited review requests from authors and publishers, my acceptance does not guarantee a positive review.

3.     If you cannot accept criticism of your work or if you have any inclinations to attack reviewers for any reason, this is not the place for you.  I make every effort to be respectful of books I review and I expect the same courtesy from authors and publishers. 

4.     My reviews get posted on the blog and Goodreads and linked on to both Twitter and Facebook. 

5.     E-books compatible with Amazon’s Kindle as well as hard copies are the best formats for me. 

6.     I will make every attempt to read all the books I receive, but I am not always able to read every book I am given.  If you have a deadline for your review, please let me know ahead of time, so I can prioritize.

7.     Books that I do not finish will not be reviewed.

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