Monday, September 10, 2012

Retro Review: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

I just started the sequel to this fabulous book and I thought I would post my review for book #1, which I read in 2011.  Enjoy!!!
What if one day you woke up only to find out:What if one day you woke up only to find out: What if one day you woke up only to find out:
What if one day you woke up only to find out:
•  The condemned asylum, that you & your 3 friends were in, collapsed.
•  Since then, you have been in a coma.
•  The only survivor is you.
•  You have no memory of how it happened.
That alone would be difficult to recover from, but then PTSD hallucinations begin. As the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur, you begin to wonder, what really happened that night and…if you were the one who killed your friends.
Buy this book now! It will keep you up at night, wondering what actually happened to Mara.
PS You should know that this book is the first in a series, so we have more to look forward to from Michelle Hodkin.


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