Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Retro Review: The Affair by Lee Child

In honor of the new Jack Reacher book being out today, I thought I'd post the review from my old tumblr blog of last year's release, The Affair, which is now in paper back.  Enjoy!

For those of you who are not familiar with the leading character, Jack Reacher is a loner, carrying nothing more than is his toothbrush and wallet at any given time. He drifts from town and during his stay, he inevitably walks into trouble. And because Jack does not like a bully, he always sets things right before he leaves.

This book is little different though.

Lee Child does not often take his on trips to memory lane. We spend most of our time with Jack Reacher as a his is now - a retired military man who wanders across the United States. In this novel, I was delighted to see Child take me back to the beginning. The Affair, his 16th novel ends where The Killing Floor, the first book in the series begins.

It was excellent to say the least. The thing I loved most about this book was that it was written in first person from Jack’s point of view, but not in a traditional way. This was not written as it happened, but as man looking back almost 15 years at a very critical point in his life. Reacher conveys to the reader how different the world was pre-September 11th, but also how different he was before he left the army.

That type of story telling is very rare in a series. Most of the time, when an author delves into character history, it is just that - how the character came to be where he/she is now. They are not prone to reflect on prior events in their lives as people frequently do. By allowing Reacher to do so, Child makes him adds another element of realism to him - further solidifying his relationship with the reader.

Good Job Lee Child!!!! I look forward to reading the next one.

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