Saturday, January 5, 2013

Review: What a Ghoul Wants by Victoria Laurie

Please note:  This is the 7th book in the Ghost Hunter series.  Laurie's books are very enjoyable, but I'm reading them out of order.  If you need to start from the beginning, start with What's a Ghoul to Do?

MJ  Holliday has managed to translate her talent for communicating with the dead into a television show called Ghoul Getters, but her latest shoot at Kidwella Castle in northern Wales may be even be too much for her.  She's investigating the Grim Widow who had been rumored to drown victims in the moat, but MJ suspects something more. The closer she gets, the more danger she's in.

For people who are not aware, I am a Victoria Laurie fan and MJ is just as great Abby Cooper.  She got the biting wit and sarcasm that I've come to love about Laurie's characters.  Her books are light reads, but they still have enough twists and turns to keep me turning pages all night long, literally.  

This one she took to a new level.  There are times when MJ's encounters with the Widow even had me shivering under my covers.  It was fabulous.  

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