Monday, January 7, 2013

Retro Review: Divas by Rebecca Chance

Check out a review from original blog for another Rebecca Chance book!

Who’s the real Diva?

•Is it Lola, the Paris Hilton of London, with a trust fund from Daddy to provide her with everything and anything she ever could dream?

•Will it be Evie, who started out as an exotic dancer and then caught the attention of Lola’s wealthy Daddy to become his mistress? 

•Or is it Carin, Lola’s viscous stepmother, who cuts off both Lola and Evie the second her husband falls into a coma?You be the judge!

This is one of the most fun and sexy romps I have read in a long time and I highly recommend it if you want something entertaining and steamy. 
There’s one catch - this UK import can not be found just anywhere.  The only place I’ve seen it is at Murder by the Book, so I suggest you race over there right now to get a copy!

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