Thursday, January 3, 2013

Review: Die Easy by Zoe Sharp

DIE EASY US For Charlie Fox, life should be good.  She lives in a prime apartment in New York City, work is going well, her boyfriend, Sean, has come out of his coma.  Everything should be great...except that Sean's memory of Charlie has not recovered.  Instead of a loving boyfriend who runs a security firm, Sean has returned as a soldier who still blames Charlie for ruining his career in the armed forces, so the idea partnering with him for a bodygaurding job in New Orleans is less than ideal. 

It also doesn't help that someone is trying to murder her client.

What can I say about Charlie Fox?  She is intelligent, courageous, and she can fight with the best of them.  This woman is so badass, it's unreal, but where some authors could make Charlie very one dimensional, Sharp brings an incredible vulnerabilty out in her, especially in the last few books. 

In this one, we see Charlie coping with a shattered dream - her life with Sean.  It never even occurred to her that the brain damage he suffered could affect his memory their life together.  His renewed lack of trust in her seems to be what affects her the most, but instead of falling into the cliches of most memory loss stories, Charlie stays strong.  Rather than forcing the details of lives on him, she answers questions - even the hard one - when they arise.  It was really well done.

Highly reccommeded for those who enjoy Lee Child, JT Ellison and Barry Eisler.

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