Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Review: Suspect by Robert Crais

After witnessing his partner's death, LAPD officer Scott James decided he never wanted another partner.  The trauma, the PTSD, were all too much.  Joining the K-9 unit, seemed like the best option.

Maggie is lost. After 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, she's loses her partner Pete to an IED. While she's tried to adjust to civilian life, Maggie is haunted by Pete's death and PTSD.  Then Maggie meets Scott.

Did I mention that Maggie is a military dog? 

I was prepared to enjoy this book, because, in my opinion, dogs are the world's greatest pets.  What I did not expect, was the emotional connection I developed with Scott & Maggie.  

While most people haven't experienced PTSD or violent death, Crais was able write about in a way his audience could understand.  Instead of focusing on the symptoms of the disorder (flashbacks, isolation, depression, etc.) he stressed the emotional aspects that come with the loss of someone close - Flashbacks become less about the violence and more about Scott's guilt in not helping his partner more, isolation becomes the determination to never get hurt again.  Now not only can the reader relate to Scott, but they have a better understanding of the effects of PTSD.

Dogs on the other hand are easy to portray.  Just make them loyal and/or funny and BANG!  Instant success, but Crais didn't want a one dimensional sidekick.  He gave her depth by allowing the reader to experience life walking in her paws.  While she may not fully grasp the gravity of every situation she is placed in, Maggie knows her role - to support and protect her handler Pete - and every action reflects that.  Even as he's dying, Maggie offers comfort by licking his face, in between barking and snarling as she protects him. 

Instead of a mystery about a guy with a dog, Crais gave us a love story about two broken souls learn to love and trust again.  One of them just happens to be a dog. 

Highly recommended for anyone who loved or been loved by a human or a dog.

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