Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Movie Review: Jack Reacher

As you know, dear readers, I was very skeptical of the Jack Reacher.  A short guy to play Jack Reacher?  No way, but let me tell you, when I let that go, I really enjoyed the movie.

While Reacher could have easily slipped into brutish or cocky man, Cruise stayed true to the character.  His Jack was quiet and unassuming, but demonstrated that he was no dummy.  One of my favorite points was after he reviewed the evidence with Detective Emerson.  The police tried to trip him up by asking Reacher what the serial number was on the rifle, but our hero countered by asking the detective what the year on the quarter was.   Emerson could not provide an answer, but Reacher could.  

It was that type of interaction that proved the production team the character, but they really won me over by providing nods to the book:  

  • The scars on his body
  • Jack's shopping trip to Goodwill
  • A cameo by the author
  • The folding toothbrush
  • Reacher rinsing out his shirt in the motel room
  • Jack using pay phones
These were little things, but it communicated conscious effort on their part to not just make another action movie.  This was a film to introduce Reacher to the world as well as appease the fans.  

For me it was a success.  What do you think? 

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