Sunday, January 6, 2013

Review: Killer Heels by Rebecca Chance

Michael Kors once chided the Project Runway contestants, "Fashion is not for sissies."  Well if it's anything like KIller Heels, Rebecca Chance has got it down!

3 Women all connected by one man, media mogul Jacob Dupleix.

Mireille Grenier has no intention of being ousted from her role as fashion director for a major fashion magazine, Style.

Style Magazine editor, Victoria Glossop is more cutthroat than Miranda Priestly, until someone comes along to send this ice queen to her boiling point.

Rising Star, Coco Raeburn, who is willing to do anything, even change her name to be a an editor.

Will these women unite to form a trio to be reckoned with or will they destroy each other in order to gain power?

Okay, I love Rebecca Chance's books.  Everything about them is slick, sexy and sophisticated - the designer labels, the strong women and of course, the steamy sex....sigh.    It's all fabulous, but this one took me by surprise.  There were a few more twists and turns that I didn't expect and I loved Coco.

Chance did a wonderful job creating very vulnerable character a who couldn't tell anyone no.  Coco was a girl who was so committed to her dream, that she was willing to almost destroy herself in order to fulfill it - struggling with weight, bad relationships, satan in Gucci, anything could bring a a half step closer to fashion editing.  It struck a chord with me, because I think this is a common issue for a lot of young women.  We don't know how to get to the next level, so we answer yes, when in our hearts we know something is not right.  

Highly recommended for anyone who loved The Devil Wears Prada or Plum Sykes!

PS - These books are not available in the US.  Skip Barnes and just go straight to your favorite Indie bookstore.  In my case, it's Houston's Murder by the Book.  

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