Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Review: The Taken by Vicki Pettersson

The Taken by Vicki Pettersson
Everyone needs an angel, right?  Well, in this case, our angel comes in the form of a 1950's detective, named Griffin Shaw - a centurion who escorts souls to the Everlast. Shaw’s record is spotless until one day a slip up causes him to lose his escort, his halo and tie his fate to Kit Craig, a Las Vegas reporter.  Now tethered to the Earth, Grif has to decide what his future will hold – go back to being an angel or use his time on Earth to protect Kit and in doing so find out who murdered his wife Evie as well as answer the question who killed Griffin Shaw. 
I’ll just start by telling you I was already a fan of Pettersson.  Her Signs of the Zodiac series took my breath away, but this showed us a whole new side of the author!  Kit Craig is a softer, gentler heroine.  Her life may not have been easy, but I admired Kit’s determination to seek beauty and happiness in her life, rather than be dragged down by sorrow. 
Overall the book was fabulous!  The story was well paced with moments of intensity balanced with lightness captured in the rockabilly life style.  By the end of the book, Kit had me wanting to put on a cupcake dress and get my hair pinned!
Highly recommended fans of Elvis, the Richelle Mead Succubus series or Hard Case Crime.

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