Monday, June 11, 2012

Hourglass by Myra McEntire

"I see dead people."

No this isn't the Sixth Sense, but Emerson Cole does see dead people - all the time.  Walking home from school, at parties, in the school cafeteria and unless she wants to spend her life drugged into a stupor, she can't stop them.  So when her brother, Thomas, hires consultant Michael Weaver from The Hourglass, she begrudgingly agrees, knowing that it won't work.

Then she meets him.

Emerson is instantly drawn to dark haired, delicious Michael and what's more is he seems to understand her.  He doesn't question her visions and he may even know more about her and the dead people than he lets on....

What I really enjoyed about this story was Emerson.  She has so little control over her visions that she tries her damnedest to maintain what little balance she has in rest of her life - even when it's not in her best interest, even when it means going against what Michael has told her!

This book was fabulous!!!!!  I just finished it 20 minutes ago and I just had to get my thoughts onto my blog, so I could tell everyone to read it.

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