Friday, June 15, 2012

Review: Size 12 and Ready to Rock by Meg Cabot

Heather Wells is back and as it turns out, lots has changed for our heroine.  She's engaged to Cooper and her former flame, Jordan, is going to be a father.  This should be a happy time, but Jordan's wife, teen sensation Tania Trace, couldn't be more miserable.   Bad things keep happening around her - poisoned cupcakes, shootings...and only Tania knows why.  But everything will be ok, because Heather and Cooper are one case!

I'm a sucker for the Heather Wells books.  They are cute, fun and they remind of the days when I was Resident Assistant in college.  No we didn't have any murders, but we did have plenty to deal with between, Frisbee in the hallways and growing pot in the attic of our building (Yes, that really happened.)

I recommend it for anyone who enjoys Jennifer Cursie/Bob Mayer novels or Nancy Martin.

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