Friday, June 1, 2012

The Khmer Kill by Barry Eisler

One of my favorite series is the John Rain Series by Barry Eisler and even though I love his lead character, I always find myself fascinated with John's friend, Dox.  In my mind, he's a tall rangy man with a quick smile and a gravelly Texas twang in his voice, but when pushed too far, that grin becomes deadly.

Did I mention that Dox is a free lance assassin?  Little things.

In this new short story, we find Dox getting ready for a "business meeting" in Cambodia.  As usual, things get a little out hand, but it's nothing Dox can't handle.

If you want a fun and fast paced read, then this is the story for you.  Highly recommended for fans of Jack Reacher or Elvis & Joe!

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