Monday, June 25, 2012

Review: Everyone Talks by Lee Child

bruceFor those of you who are not aware, I am a sucker for Jack Reacher.  It doesn’t matter what the format is – novel, short story, upcoming film…I love Jack Reacher.  So imagine how pleased I was when I found out that the July/July 2012 issue of Esquire had a new short story about my favorite hero.  
The only drawback is that you have to purchase a copy of Esquire in order to read the story, so guess what I did on my lunch hour?  To answer your burning questions:
1.       Yes, I bought it!

2.       Yes, I read it!

3.       Yes, it was worth $4.99 price of the magazine!  And I encourage all of you to get a copy for yourselves. 
Thank you, Lee for another fabulous story about one of my favorite characters.

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