Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Trailer Time: Jack Reacher

As we have established from last week's posts, I am a Jack Reacher fan, but as pleased as I am to know that the movie is coming out this December, I'm still as apprehensive as the rest of fans are about the actor chosen to play my favorite hero, Tom Cruise.

Don't get me wrong, I love Tom Cruise.  He's engergetic, talented and committed to every role he plays, but the man is short.  I'm not trying to be critical, but at 6' 5" and roughly 250 pounds, part of the Reacher appeal is that he just looks like a man who should be left alone. 

I'm sorry Tom, but your stature does evoke that feeling from me. 

With that said, the trailer for did give me some hope. 
  • I liked the voice over describing Jack, how "he only cares about what's right." 
  • The costuming, jeans and a flannel, was spot on, because Reacher is not interested in style - only praticality.  Okay, the leather jacket more than Jack would own, but this is Hollywood. 
  • And finally, the last line of the trailer, "Remember, you wanted this."  Cruise is right.  Jack never picks a fight - the fight always picks him.
Yes, Reacher, I did want this.  Let's see if this film is everything I hope it will be.

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