Monday, July 23, 2012

Review: A Cold Day in Paradise by Steve Hamilton

After being shot on the job as a Detroit police officer, Alex retires and choses to take the road less taken, which entails moving back home to Paradise, Michigan.  He rents out the cabins his father built and eventually begins working as an investigator for a local lawyer.  For fourteen years his life is simple and uninterrupted – that is until a friend needs Alex’s help after he stumbles onto a murder victim. 

As the bodies begin to pile up, the murderer makes contact with our hero and Alex realizes that the past is never as far behind us as we would like it to be.
Okay, I’m a sucker for a strong male hero and Alex is perfect.  Hamilton creates a really believable character in a man who is strong and independent, but yet emotionally vulnerable in that as much as he’s distanced himself from his old life in Detroit, it still haunts him in numerous ways. 
I can’t wait to see what the rest of the series brings!
Highly recommended for fans of Lee Child, Robert Crais or Michael Connolly. 

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