Thursday, July 12, 2012

Review: The Fifty Shames of Earl Grey by Andrew Shaffer

This book is about a a clumsy, stupid college girl named Anna Steal who meets a billionaire sexy named Earl Grey and as they start to date and fall in love, Anna learns that Mr. Grey has 50 habits he is ashamed of.  

Sound familiar?  That's because this book is a parody or the 50 Shades Trilogy and it was just the balm my soul needed after reading James novels.  

This poked fun of every aspect of the Christian and Ana Grey's relationship including:

  • Lip biting (now nose picking)
  • Christian's obsession with buying everything Ana touches
  • The helicopter

And for a few extra laughs Schaffer even throws in some references to:
  • The Bronies (Male fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
  • The Twilight books 
  • LARP (Live Action Role Playing)
For anyone who truly loved the original series, this may not be the book for you, but if you if you can appreciate a good parody or did not enjoy the 50 Shades, you'll definitely enjoy it!

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