Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Review: Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

I will begin by stating that fans of the Fifty Shades Trilogy will really enjoy this book.  The characters, the story trajectory, etc. will definitely remind you of why you fell in love with Ana and Christian. 

But then again, I didn't enjoy the time I spent with Ms. Steele and Mr. Grey, so Beautiful Disaster is not something I would recommend.  

For me this book was tedious, because I found myself continually frustrated with Abby for not leaving a man who was borderline abusive.  I understand that some women find the idea of rescuing the tortured man romantic, but Travis?  Really?  Every time we turned around, he was either going off the deep end by beating someone up or manipulating Abby back into his arms.  

The only bright spot in the plot that could have been expanded on really to change the way the book turned out was the a brief section about where Abby must confront her past.  Suddenly we understand why she’s fighting so hard against him, but instead of eliciting a feeling of empathy for our heroine, I just became more angry when she went back to her creepy, jealous and overly possessive boyfriend.

Again, if you are a fan of Fifty Shades, you will love it, but if you shied away from their story I suggest you stay away from this one too.

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