Monday, October 1, 2012

Review: Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan

Everyone has grown up in Sorry-in-the-Vale, has heard the whispered legends of the revered and feared Lynburn family dynasty and even though the family left the town a generation ago, their affects on the town can still be felt.

Enter Kami Glass, a determined high school newspaper reporter, who has a secret - she's a in love with Jared, a boy she's never met, but speaks to through a telekinetic connection they share.  Imagine how she feels when finally sees him for the first time and he's a Lynburn.

I picked this up based on the entusiatic reviews seen on blogs, Amazon and Goodreads, but I must say I was very disappointed.  Everything that I saw lead me to believe that this was a well written, well crafted plot with elements of the supernatural.  What I found was a book about wandering and teenage angst. 

There is a considerable amount of time spent describing the characters walks to one spot to the next.  Our heroine Kami, spends quite a bit of the journeying through the woods, to the Lynburn Estate or Monkshood Abbey.  While the cast needed to get to these places, the book would have been just as effective if Brennan had cut some of the sections. 

And the angst.  While I love some good teenage angst (John Hughes films, The Wind Blows Backwards by Mary Downing Hahn), this seemed tedious.  When they weren't walking, Kami and Jared were trying to discern their feelings for one another as well as how to behave.  It lead to a series of frustratingly repetative sequences of tiffs followed by apologies a few pages later.  While I understood the complexities of the situation, I just got tired of cycle and it took me from a plot story and also detracted from some of the other characters, who could have been fleshed out more.

I was expecting the caliber of storytelling, I received in The Hunger Games series and Mara Dyer trilogy, and I found myself very disappointed. 

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