Monday, October 15, 2012

Review: NOwHOre District by Bianca Da Silva

Tigra has problems.  She followed her American boyfriend from Hungary to Los Angeles on a student visa and now he has broken up with her.  With no money and no place to stay, Tigra has one summer to devise a way to stay in the US by getting money for college tuition or finding a husband.  A man it is! 

The book started out with a solid idea - to combine a fish out of water tale (European girl alone in LA) with a coming of age story (must figure out how to get her life in order, so she can stay in the US).  It’s a good story that’s worked before, but the writing style really prevented me from relating to the character.   

The author chose to break the story in bit size installments written from Tigra’s perspective either about her opinions on life or about an incident that happened to her.  These anecdotes could have been endearing, but because Tigra is young and/or experiencing culture shock, everything seemed completely random.  Instead of getting a unique perspective on American culture from an outsider, I got a couple pages on how farting in front of someone you are dating will eventually destroy your marriage. 

Not what I the perspective I was hoping for.

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