Thursday, October 11, 2012

Review: Bared to You by Sylvia Day.

While she misses Southern California, Eva is excited to start her new life in Manhattan.  Fresh out of college, new apartment and a advertising job all lined up.  New York couldn't be better and then she catches the eye of playboy billionaire, Gideon Cross. 

Eva does not want to be attracted to him.  Gideon triggers too many memories and emotions, that she's locked away, but Gideon won't take no for an answer....

After my 50 Shades debacle, I was really hesitant to read Bared to You, but my mood dictates what I read. So I dedcided to give this trilogy a whirl and I was pleasently surprised. 

The plot was laid out well enough that I was able to concentrate on the story and while I found Eva's trust issues a bit tedious at times, she was developed enough that I could understand her motivation - at first.  However, by the time Eva stormed out of Gideon's life for the 20th, I was getting bored with the book.  If Day could have edited out a couple of these scenes, it might have receive 4 stars rather than just 3 stars. 

Do I feel compelled to read the reast of the Crossfire trilogy?  Not particularly, but I did enjoy my time with Gideon and Eva.

1 comment:

  1. I dont know what made me think that this was going to be a very intense love story and yet it was not very bad okay read I guess!

    A love story can be intense enough without having ridiculous and almost funny sex scenes and this book is filled with such stuff ! All the sex gets REAllY boring after a while......

    This was my first erotica book ever. (I did read about 100 pages of FSOG before putting it away!!! Now that's easily the worst book ever written!!)

    Sylvia Day has taken the basic premise of FSOG and replaced the AWFUL, AWFUL and UTTERLY AWFUL Anna character with someone better. I liked Eva but I could not manage to like Gideon. He is kiddish, immature and definitely suffers from a serious case of OCD ! Whatever he feels for Eva is anything but love! The word for it would be OBSESSION !!!! Such guys are best avoided and I am saying this from personal experience. And don't even get me started on how his looks are described in the book.......

    The one plus point of the book is that you do want to know what happens with Eva and Gideon in the second book !!!
