Monday, October 8, 2012

Review: Better Read Than Dead by Victoria Laurie

For covering for her while she was recovering from injuries, Abby Cooper owes fellow psychic Kendall a big favor, so when he asks her to assist him at tarot reading for a wedding, Abby can't say no - even though it's the first night she'll see her boyfriend in 2 months.  The gig goes well until our heroine realizes that she is not just at a regular wedding - the bride is the daughter of a major crime boss, who happens to be very interested in psychics.

Now that Abby has his attention, he'll make her an offer she can't refuse.

Not only is Abby a wonderful heroine, but I love the cast of characters that she comes with - the overachiever sister, her affable handyman and the super sexy boyfriend.  Not only do they further the plot, but Abby's relationships with them add depth to her story that makes the books even more enjoyable. 

I can totally see myself devouring the rest of the books in the series and constantly rereading them as I wait for the next book.

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