Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Review: The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris

Front CoverWhen I picked up Deadlocked in this past May, I was really excited.  What's not to like - an intelligent female heroine, sexy vampires (Hello Eric Northman!) and enteraining cast of characters.  They are quick enjoyable reads that always make me happy, but this time it was a little different. 

It had been so long since I'd read any of them (over a year ago when Dead Reckoning was released) that I couldn't remember who any of the more recent characters or storylines.  Who's Michelle?  Tara's married and pregnant?  Eric's day time man?  WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE AND WHAT IS GOING ON?  It was confusing at first, but I was able to bypass my feelings of frustration by vowing to reread the series after I finished the new book.

I am happy to state that I'm on book 11, Dead Reckoning, and I'm enjoying every word of this series.  Even when I had already read the book, I still found myself reading long into the night or blowing off chores just to find out what Sookie would do next. 

So yes, this series stands the test of time and comes as highly reccommeded as my first read back in 2006.

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