Thursday, August 9, 2012

Review: Dare Me by Megan Abbott

For years, it's always been Beth Cassidy - grade school, middle school, cheer camp, high school and now the varsity cheerleading squad.  Beth has always been the captain with second, Addy Hanlon by her side, but junior year is different.  There is a new cheerleading coach - hard, dedicated and all the girls find themselves inexplicably drawn to her. 

Suddenly Beth is not on top and the Addy knows there will be consequences.  Coach doesn't believe that Beth has that much power, but Addy knows better....

This book is as amazing as it is sinister.  There are no innocents, because everyone is played or being played.  What really took me aback was the prose.  

In this type of novel, I expect the writing to have a certain flintiness to it, but I did not expect how lyrical it would be.  Abbott has this magic ability to express the cruelty and competitiveness that occurs between teenage girls in almost poetic way.  She described the flipping, turning and twirling in a way that made, even me - a woman in her 30s, long to be part of that elite squad - depsite the fact the politics and back stabbing felt like it could get a girl killed. 

Highly reccommended for fans of Gillian Flynn!!!!!

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