Friday, August 31, 2012

Review: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Do you remember 1999?  We were worried about Y2K, the internet was just starting to take hold in our lives and e-mail was just entering the workplace. 

Enter Lincoln O'Neil.  His job at the Courier newspaper is read e-mails and warn anyone who is using inappropriate language or improper topics of discussion.  It's not difficult and while he's bored out of his mind, Lincoln is good at his job.  Until he begins to read the messages between copy editor, Jennifer, and Beth, the movie reviewer. 

They don't care that anyone is reading their mail and their conversations are so interesting that Lincoln can't bring himself to issue the warnings.  The more he reads, the more he likes these women until one day Lincoln realizes that he's in love with Beth.

This book was wonderful, because although it was a love story, it was more a coming of age tale.  Rainbow Rowel paints a beautiful portrait of a boy living in his mother's basement and growing into a man.  Lincoln's account is painfully honest with many failures and small victories that eventually amount into something more. 

Highly reccomended for fans of Jennifer Weiner or Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close.

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