Friday, June 15, 2012

TGIF (1): Most Valuable Book

TGIF is a weekly meme created and hosted by Ginger of GReads! that recaps the week's posts and has a different question each week.

Question: From your personal collection of books, which ones hold the most value to you - is it signed by the author? Or maybe it's your favorite story of all time? Share it with us.

My favorite book ever is The Princess Bride by William Goldman.  Over the years, I've had about 4 copies:
  1. Read so many times the cover fell off.  That copy was given away.
  2. Bought to replace the first one
  3. Bought it at book sale, because it has cover promoting the 1987 movie.
That brings us to copy number 4.  A beautiful  leather bound copy with gold and silver on the cover.  It's a limited edition (one of 500 copies) that my father gave me when I graduated from high school.  His inscription reads, "Sandy, you will always be my princess." 

Pictures will follow. 

It's my most valuable treasure.  I didn't even know such a copy existed and to this day, Papa will not tell me how he found it.  While part of me is dying to know how he did it, the girl in me still wants to preserve my father's magic.  
A few years later, I gave my father the 25th anniversary edition.  I wrote something on the inside cover too, but I'm sure it wasn't as perfect as what Dad wrote to me. 

My Recap

  • Hourglass by Myra McEnitre
  • Forever and a Day by Jill Shlavis
  • Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
  • The Fierce Reads Tour


  1. I've never heard of this book, but I could tell how much it meant to you. Great answer :)

    My TGIF/Follow Friday

  2. Oh sweetie, start by renting the movie. It's fantastic! If you like that then read the book.

    I myself might have to try some Lauren Kate, thanks to you!


  3. So awesome to hear the story behind your favorite books! Such a great story about what you and your dad shared :-)
