Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (2): The Absent One by Jussi Alder Olsen

Waiting on Wednesday (WoW) is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine,  that spotlights upcoming releases that I am looking forward to, bated breath and all! Posts go up every Wednesday.

The Absent One
The Absent One by Jussi Alder-Olsen
Release Date: 21 August 2012

From Amazon: In The Keeper of Lost Causes, Jussi Adler-Olsen introduced Detective Carl Mørck, a deeply flawed, brilliant detective newly assigned to run Department Q, the home of Copenhagen’s coldest cases. The result wasn’t what Mørck—or readers—expected, but by the opening of Adler-Olsen’s shocking, fast-paced follow-up, Mørck is satisfied with the notion of picking up long-cold leads. So he’s naturally intrigued when a closed case lands on his desk: A brother and sister were brutally murdered two decades earlier, and one of the suspects—part of a group of privileged boarding-school students—confessed and was convicted.

But once Mørck reopens the files, it becomes clear that all is not what it seems. Looking into the supposedly solved case leads him to Kimmie, a woman living on the streets, stealing to survive. Kimmie has mastered evading the police, but now they aren’t the only ones looking for her. Because Kimmie has secrets that certain influential individuals would kill to keep buried . . . as well as one of her own that could turn everything on its head.

Every bit as pulse-pounding as the book that launched the series, The Absent One delivers further proof that Jussi Adler-Olsen is one of the world's premier thriller writers.

Murder by the Book in Houston introduced me to this Swedish author last summer.  My God!  The book was so good that I've been badgering the staff there about when the new book comes out ever since. 

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