Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA Introductions

1.       Please tell us a bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging?  Why did you get into blogging? 
My name is Sandy and I’ve been blogging for about 8 months now.  This all came about when I was laid off last fall.  A fabulous book on getting a job and making a career plan called, What Color is Your Parachute?, suggested the people increase their online presence by blogging about a subject about which they are passionate and can speak intelligently.  For me, that’s reading. 
I’m not sure that my blog helped me get my new job, but it has turned into a place where I can improve my writing and share my love for books.  It’s truly been a wonderful experience, so far. 
2.       What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?
Right now, I’m working my way through the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris.  It had been so long since I started the series that when I read book number 12, Deadlocked, last month, I couldn’t remember all the characters, so I decided to refresh my memory.  The books are still as enjoyable today as when I first read them.
3.       Tell us one non-book related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you. 
My random non-book related fact is that I collect Swatches. 
It all began in 1988, when Santa brought me a Swatch for Christmas.  I was one of 3 lucky third graders at my school to actually have one, but as kids tend to do, I lost it less than three months later.  Of course, my mother had me tear my room apart, but the Swatch was never found – until over decade later.
Now, fast forward eleven years to when my family (Mom, Dad and sister) moved from Cleveland, OH to Houston, TX.  I was unpacking a moving carton that was almost as tall as I am and there at the bottom of the box, was my 1988 Swatch.  I screamed for joy and ran to tell my mother about it.
That one Swatch started a collection and today I have bought and been given as a gifts a total of 12 Swatches.  Currently, my eye is on the 2012 Special Edition London Summer Games Swatch. 
4.       What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?
On my old tumblr blog, I also reviewed films that strted as books.  While this section has not been translated over to my new Google blog (I haven’t seen any movies from books since I opened it), it’s something I really enjoy doing, because I’m movie buff as well.  It’s nice to be able to combine my love for both topics. 
5.       Where do you see your blog in five years?
Well, I would like to see my blog expand.  At the moment, my postings are mainly about reviews and bringing attention to a little of the news in the publishing world, but I also want this blog to be an advocate for literacy.  Reading has made such an impact on my life that I need to share it with others and I would like to my blog to be a forum in which I can do that. 


  1. oohh! I haven't got the newest couple of the Charlaine Harris books, but they are on my list of things to read! Loving the TV show for them. Have you seen it?

    1. The series is really good, but when you watch you have to think of it as an entire different entity than the book. They change and add some plot lines to make the show meatier and give it more of an edge. Overall though, it's really good. Sookie, Eric, Pam and Lafayette are my favorite characters!!!!

  2. Oh, I love your answer for where you want your blog to be in five years. Awesome!

    my intro post.

  3. I am all about advocating literacy! Especially here in TX. We have some great organizations that I try to support all the time!

    I love that you collect swatches! I remember wanting one horribly when I was younger. They were the things to get!

    Great getting to know you :)

  4. Yay, another fellow Texan! It's great to get to know more Texas book bloggers. =) I love that story about the Swatches! It's so cool to see how you found your Swatch so many years later. It's also neat how you collect them now!

    It was fabulous getting to know you! Have fun during Armchair BEA!

    -Aneeqah @ My Not So Real Life

  5. I'm afraid I may have to reread the Southern Vampire series as well. I have Deadlocked on my shelf, waiting, but I remember so much going on at the end of the last book (and SO MANY CHARACTERS), throw in True Blood and all the small to major changes there, and I may need a refresher.

  6. I think it's wonderful how the book What Color is Your Parachute directed you (indirectly) into blogging. I remember that book from the 80's when I graduated from college, and it was very hard to get into the job market then as well. Blogging is such a wonderful way to express ourseles and expand our horizons. Happy BEA Week!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to meet you!

    I still have to read book 12 of the Sookie books, but have thought about re-reading the series this summer, because like you it has been awhile since I have read them all. It might be nice to read them in order, one right after another.

  8. I like the idea of writing about the movies that were books first. That would be pretty awesome to introduce here at your blog. :) I'd love to read your thoughts on the book vs. movie. :)
