Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Armchair BEA: The Best of 2012

The best of of 2012?

Well I've read a total of 61 books, essays, short stories, etc. and below are a smattering of what I've liked:

Red, White, and Blood by Christopher Farnsworth
I am a huge fan of this series and I finally got to meet Mr. Farnsworth this year.

The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James
Just finished this last week and it was awesome!  A great ghost story for a rainy Saturday morning.

The Rook by Daniel O'Malley
This book was such a joy to read!  O'Malley created such a fabulous alternate reality that sometimes I forgot that it wasn't my life.

I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern
To say I feel neurotic when I’m dating is an understatement. I worry so much. Does he like me? Could he be the one? What if he is the one and I screw it up? This thoughts get me so stressed out that I often consider becoming the crazy dog lady and never leaving my apartment again. Reading I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern reminded me that this happens to everyone.


  1. I've not read any of these, but your description of I Suck at Girls makes me kinda want to pick it up. Oh, how I hated dating!

  2. haha I love your description about I suck at Girls!! Looks a funny read! Should check it out! :) ;) Enjoy aBEA! :) ;)

    PS. Turn off your captcha for this week, please. People will comment easily ;) ;)

  3. I have not heard of these, I have to go some more research!

  4. Oh my, I almost picked up I Suck at Girls today at the store! Guess I might have to go back..... :)

  5. I haven't read any of these, but they certainly sound interesting. I'm gonna have to check them out. :)

    Thanks for sharing! :)
    My Armchair BEA Giveaway
