Friday, February 1, 2013

Review: Snow White Must Die by Nele Neuhaus

Tobias has spent 10 years in jail for the murder of two of his classmates.  He's served his time, but instead of starting fresh, he chooses to go home to village he grew up in - the village where his classmates when missing.  

The town turns his back on him and just when it seems that things couldn't get any worse, another girl goes missing.  

The pacing this book was intense.  Neuhaus has this incredible way of weaving in and out of the lives of the villagers.  She takes great pains to drop hints and suggestions and just when you think the story story twists on you again.  

I can't tell you too much more or I'm afraid I'll give something away.

Highly recommended for a lovers of Scandinavian crime novels!!!!!!!

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