Friday, February 22, 2013

Review: London Twist by Barry Eisler

After MI-6 bails her out of a bad situation, Delilah owes them a favor.  The job?  To get close to the beautiful activist Fatima in order to ascertain where her brother, a suspected terrorist, is planning to attack.

This novella was such a disappointment.  Eisler has only released one short story since publishing The Detachment and I've missed him greatly.  The books, even the short stories, build and then explode with action, twisting and turning until the reader doesn't know who to trust, but this was so predictable. 

She meets Fatima, they share a few meals, Delilah invites her on a trip to Bora Bora and on the last night of the trip they unexpectedly fall into one another's arms?  Unexpectedly?  Really?  I felt it coming when MI-6 told Delilah that 2 men had already failed to get close to Fatima. 

Let's just hope the next one is better.

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