Thursday, June 28, 2012

Review: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

Since I'm reading an ARC for Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness, I thought it might be nice to post my review of the first book A Discovery of Witches, which was originally posted on 14 January 2012.  

Have you ever wanted to just be normal?  To fit in with everyone else?  

Well that’s the only thing Diana Bishop has ever wanted - not to be a witch.  She’s seems to be keeping her powers in check until one day when she requests a book at the library - a book that has been missing for over a century - a book that witches, daemons and vampires alike would all love to possess.
Suddenly Diana’s world is being over run with creatures, including a sexy but lethal vampire named Matthew, who seems a little too willing to protect Diana.  
This book totally blew me away.  It’s the perfect combination of urban fantasy, history and romance with a touch of science.  Fans of the supernatural and Diana Gabaldon will love this book!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (3): A Wanted Man by Lee Child

Waiting on Wednesday (WoW) is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that I am looking forward to, bated breath and all!
Posts go up every Wednesday.

From the Hardcover edition

 A Wanted Man by Lee Child
Release Date: 11 September 2012

From Amazon: Four people in a car, hoping to make Chicago by morning. One man driving, eyes on the road. Another man next to him, telling stories that don’t add up. A woman in the back, silent and worried. And next to her, a huge man with a broken nose, hitching a ride east to Virginia.

An hour behind them, a man lies stabbed to death in an old pumping station. He was seen going in with two others, but he never came out. He has been executed, the knife work professional, the killers vanished. Within minutes, the police are notified. Within hours, the FBI descends, laying claim to the victim without ever saying who he was or why he was there.

All Reacher wanted was a ride to Virginia. All he did was stick out his thumb. But he soon discovers he has hitched more than a ride. He has tied himself to a massive conspiracy that makes him a threat—to both sides at once.

In Lee Child’s white-hot thriller, nothing is what it seems, and nobody is telling the truth. As the tension rises, the twists come fast and furious, keeping readers guessing and gasping until the explosive finale.

Since, I have Jack Reacher on the brain, this seemed like the most logical choice for my Waiting on Wednesday

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Review: Everyone Talks by Lee Child

bruceFor those of you who are not aware, I am a sucker for Jack Reacher.  It doesn’t matter what the format is – novel, short story, upcoming film…I love Jack Reacher.  So imagine how pleased I was when I found out that the July/July 2012 issue of Esquire had a new short story about my favorite hero.  
The only drawback is that you have to purchase a copy of Esquire in order to read the story, so guess what I did on my lunch hour?  To answer your burning questions:
1.       Yes, I bought it!

2.       Yes, I read it!

3.       Yes, it was worth $4.99 price of the magazine!  And I encourage all of you to get a copy for yourselves. 
Thank you, Lee for another fabulous story about one of my favorite characters.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (2): The Absent One by Jussi Alder Olsen

Waiting on Wednesday (WoW) is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine,  that spotlights upcoming releases that I am looking forward to, bated breath and all! Posts go up every Wednesday.

The Absent One
The Absent One by Jussi Alder-Olsen
Release Date: 21 August 2012

From Amazon: In The Keeper of Lost Causes, Jussi Adler-Olsen introduced Detective Carl Mørck, a deeply flawed, brilliant detective newly assigned to run Department Q, the home of Copenhagen’s coldest cases. The result wasn’t what Mørck—or readers—expected, but by the opening of Adler-Olsen’s shocking, fast-paced follow-up, Mørck is satisfied with the notion of picking up long-cold leads. So he’s naturally intrigued when a closed case lands on his desk: A brother and sister were brutally murdered two decades earlier, and one of the suspects—part of a group of privileged boarding-school students—confessed and was convicted.

But once Mørck reopens the files, it becomes clear that all is not what it seems. Looking into the supposedly solved case leads him to Kimmie, a woman living on the streets, stealing to survive. Kimmie has mastered evading the police, but now they aren’t the only ones looking for her. Because Kimmie has secrets that certain influential individuals would kill to keep buried . . . as well as one of her own that could turn everything on its head.

Every bit as pulse-pounding as the book that launched the series, The Absent One delivers further proof that Jussi Adler-Olsen is one of the world's premier thriller writers.

Murder by the Book in Houston introduced me to this Swedish author last summer.  My God!  The book was so good that I've been badgering the staff there about when the new book comes out ever since. 

Review: The Taken by Vicki Pettersson

The Taken by Vicki Pettersson
Everyone needs an angel, right?  Well, in this case, our angel comes in the form of a 1950's detective, named Griffin Shaw - a centurion who escorts souls to the Everlast. Shaw’s record is spotless until one day a slip up causes him to lose his escort, his halo and tie his fate to Kit Craig, a Las Vegas reporter.  Now tethered to the Earth, Grif has to decide what his future will hold – go back to being an angel or use his time on Earth to protect Kit and in doing so find out who murdered his wife Evie as well as answer the question who killed Griffin Shaw. 
I’ll just start by telling you I was already a fan of Pettersson.  Her Signs of the Zodiac series took my breath away, but this showed us a whole new side of the author!  Kit Craig is a softer, gentler heroine.  Her life may not have been easy, but I admired Kit’s determination to seek beauty and happiness in her life, rather than be dragged down by sorrow. 
Overall the book was fabulous!  The story was well paced with moments of intensity balanced with lightness captured in the rockabilly life style.  By the end of the book, Kit had me wanting to put on a cupcake dress and get my hair pinned!
Highly recommended fans of Elvis, the Richelle Mead Succubus series or Hard Case Crime.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Review: Size 12 and Ready to Rock by Meg Cabot

Heather Wells is back and as it turns out, lots has changed for our heroine.  She's engaged to Cooper and her former flame, Jordan, is going to be a father.  This should be a happy time, but Jordan's wife, teen sensation Tania Trace, couldn't be more miserable.   Bad things keep happening around her - poisoned cupcakes, shootings...and only Tania knows why.  But everything will be ok, because Heather and Cooper are one case!

I'm a sucker for the Heather Wells books.  They are cute, fun and they remind of the days when I was Resident Assistant in college.  No we didn't have any murders, but we did have plenty to deal with between, Frisbee in the hallways and growing pot in the attic of our building (Yes, that really happened.)

I recommend it for anyone who enjoys Jennifer Cursie/Bob Mayer novels or Nancy Martin.

The Fierce Reads Anthology

For all who have attnded the tour or are interested in reading to the books, pubished an Anthology of the ladies on the Tour.  The stories are all prequels to the book their book and very enjoyable so enjoyable that I may have to get the books by Marissa Meyer, Emmy Laybourne and Anna Banks. 

I knew should have bought all of them while I was at Blue Willow BookShop!

In any case, you can read the stories online at:

What to read...

Hey ya'll!

Not sure what your next book should be?  This website!  What Should I Read Next?

TGIF (1): Most Valuable Book

TGIF is a weekly meme created and hosted by Ginger of GReads! that recaps the week's posts and has a different question each week.

Question: From your personal collection of books, which ones hold the most value to you - is it signed by the author? Or maybe it's your favorite story of all time? Share it with us.

My favorite book ever is The Princess Bride by William Goldman.  Over the years, I've had about 4 copies:
  1. Read so many times the cover fell off.  That copy was given away.
  2. Bought to replace the first one
  3. Bought it at book sale, because it has cover promoting the 1987 movie.
That brings us to copy number 4.  A beautiful  leather bound copy with gold and silver on the cover.  It's a limited edition (one of 500 copies) that my father gave me when I graduated from high school.  His inscription reads, "Sandy, you will always be my princess." 

Pictures will follow. 

It's my most valuable treasure.  I didn't even know such a copy existed and to this day, Papa will not tell me how he found it.  While part of me is dying to know how he did it, the girl in me still wants to preserve my father's magic.  
A few years later, I gave my father the 25th anniversary edition.  I wrote something on the inside cover too, but I'm sure it wasn't as perfect as what Dad wrote to me. 

My Recap

  • Hourglass by Myra McEnitre
  • Forever and a Day by Jill Shlavis
  • Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
  • The Fierce Reads Tour

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Review: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Alina is nothing special.  She's a skinny mapmaker and a mediocre one at that, but as she sees her best friend Mal being attacked by monsters, Alina unleashes a power she didn't know she had.  Suddenly, she has the attention of the King and even worse, the King's warlord, the mysterious Darkling.

At first she is disturbed by the Darkling's attention, but as she slowly begins to relax, she begins to trust him.  Unfortunately for Alina, the royals in theses types of novels are rarely as well meaning as they seem....

One thing I really enjoyed about this book was that was when Alina did come into her own beauty and strength, there was a definite reason for it - not one that involve learning how to dress, fix her hair properly or apply make up.  No one had to uncover her or show her how beautiful she could be.  All Alina had to do was accept herself as who and what she was and she was able to shine. It was a really powerful moment in the book and will send a great message to the teens (and adults) reading this book.

All in all is great book and highly recommend it for those of you who are fans of The Hunger Games or   Vampire Academy series will enjoys this book!

Overheard on the Fierce Reads Tour

"I didn't think that the YA market was ready for a Sasquatch story yet."
The answer to why did Anna Banks choose to write about mermaids in her book, Of Poseidon.  I should mention that she is serious.

Leigh Bardugo on APM's The Dinner Party

Courtesy the artistFor those of you interested in learning more about Fierce Reads author Leigh Bardugo, she did a fabulous interview on The Dinner Party by American Public Media.  She answered the question, "What are your favorite fantasy worlds?"


The Fierce Reads Tour at Blue Willow BookShop

Last night at the last minute, I decided to check out the Fierce Reads Tour Blue Willow BookShop and it was a blast!  There were five YA fantasy authors there:
  • Ann Aguirre - Enclave
  • Jennifer Bosworth - Struck
  • Anna Banks - Of Poseidon
  • Emmy Laybourne - Monument 14
  •  Leigh Bardugo - Shadow and Bone
These ladies were wonderful to be with.  Truth be told, I only came in for Shadow and Bone, but after listening to these fabulous women I ended up purchasing Struck and Enclave as well.

Definitely check them out and I’ll keep you posted on my progress with their books!
PS – I met other fierce ladies last night too – some of the HOUSTON BOOK BLOGGERS!  So just wanted to give a shout out to them for making this new blogger feel right at home in the community.  Thanks to:
Ex Libris Kate
Hip Mama Jenn
Denim Jacket Librarian
And anyone who I may have forgot!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Project Runway: The Book?

Project Runway's Emilio Sosa Nominated for Tony AwardIs it wrong that I want this book?

So I happen to love Project Runway.  During the season, Thursday nights find me home by 8 or at a friend's house for a Project Runway gathering.  There is intense discussion and scrumptious food.  What did we think of last week?  Do you remember when...?  Why is that designer still here?  We rehash old episodes and discuss what our favorite designers are doing.... 

So do I really I need a book summarizing the past 9 seasons, when I can recall the majority of them at will due to repeated watching on DVD?  Um...well...not really.

But would I like one?  Of course!

PS. While we're on the subject of things I would like....
Heidi, would you be interested in attending Project Runway night?  I promise they are really fun and definitely worth documenting!  Could you bring Tim Gunn too?  Thanks!

Waiting on Wednesday: The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling

Waiting on Wednesday (WoW) is a weekly meme hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine,  that spotlights upcoming releases that I am looking forward to, bated breath and all! Posts go up every Wednesday.

The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling
From Good Reads:  When Barry Fairweather dies unexpectedly in his early forties, the little town of Pagford is left in shock. Pagford is, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled market square and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty façade is a town at war. Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils...Pagford is not what it first seems. And the empty seat left by Barry on the parish council soon becomes the catalyst for the biggest war the town has yet seen. Who will triumph in an election fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations?

Yes, I realize everyone is waiting for this book, but I want to know if Ms. Rowling can write beyond the Harry Potter world.

Review: Forever & a Day by Jill Shalvis

Forever and a DayHave you ever been to Lucky Harbor?  Well, I have not.  My first visit was Forever and a Day, book six in the Jill Shalvis’s Lucky Harbor series and I have a feeling I’ll be visiting again. 
The plot isn’t really complicated – down on her luck, Grace, meets too busy for a life, Dr. Josh Scott.  Add a cute little boy (Josh’s son, Toby) and an obnoxious pug puppy to small town and mix well.  Then add in the chocolate!  Every chapter begins with a little quote about chocolate, because our heroine happens to be a chocoholic.  Blend well and fun will ensue. 
While this book is not going to win The National Book Award, Forever and a Day is exactly what it purports to be – a light entertaining read.  I recommend it for anyone who has enjoyed Jennifer Cruise’s books, Welcome to Temptation and Crazy for You.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hourglass by Myra McEntire

"I see dead people."

No this isn't the Sixth Sense, but Emerson Cole does see dead people - all the time.  Walking home from school, at parties, in the school cafeteria and unless she wants to spend her life drugged into a stupor, she can't stop them.  So when her brother, Thomas, hires consultant Michael Weaver from The Hourglass, she begrudgingly agrees, knowing that it won't work.

Then she meets him.

Emerson is instantly drawn to dark haired, delicious Michael and what's more is he seems to understand her.  He doesn't question her visions and he may even know more about her and the dead people than he lets on....

What I really enjoyed about this story was Emerson.  She has so little control over her visions that she tries her damnedest to maintain what little balance she has in rest of her life - even when it's not in her best interest, even when it means going against what Michael has told her!

This book was fabulous!!!!!  I just finished it 20 minutes ago and I just had to get my thoughts onto my blog, so I could tell everyone to read it.

My First Galley!

Hey Everybody!  I just got my first galley!

It's Forever and a Day - #6 in the Luck Harbor by Jill Shalvis.  A good friend of mine happens to be a fan of the series, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it!

Fifty Shades of Green by DRUNK HULK

So I happen to be a fan of the DRUNK HULK on Twitter.  His comments always make me chuckle, but today, he took it one step further.  DRUNK HULK presents his own interpretation of Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James, which has been appropriately renamed Fifty Shades of Green

It's hilarious and everyone needs to check it out! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Velva Jean Learns to Drive by Jennifer Niven

I can't even begin to describe this sweet little book this is.  A friend recommended it to me and it was just a joy to read.

Growing up during the Depression in the Blue Mountains was not easy on Velva Jean.  Nor was losing her family, being poor and marrying young, but somehow this woman always maintains her spirit.  Velva never says dies, never throws in the towel, she just keeps going and that's what made it so wonderful.

I wish I could tell you more, but it's truly Velva Jean who makes this book so beautiful.  Her character is vulnerable, but so strong at the same time.  So the next time you're in the mood for something on the lighter, snag Velva Jean.  You won't be sorry!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Armchair BEA - Beyond the Blog

My blog is so young that I have not had to opportunity to do anything.  I haven't even read ARC or galley yet, but I'm excited to be part of the community.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ray Bradbury Has Passed Away

Science fiction fan or not, no one can deny the impact Ray Bradbury has on literary world.  We will miss you, sir.

Sci-fi Legend Ray Bradbury Dies

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fifty Shades Darker by EL James

The Fifty Shades of Grey was so enjoyable that I went to my local book store before I finished it to purchase the second and third books.    I am sad to report that the Fifty Shades Darker is not half as fun as it's predecessor.

The conversations between Steele and Grey in the first 100 pages were continually rehashed throughout the book to the point that it totally detracted from the plot.   It was actually quite sad, because there was some interesting intrigue with Ana's job and Christian's former flames that could have made the book more readable.  Instead our hero and heroine spent the entire book stating why they were so wrong for one another.

For me, the real question is will this book follow the law of trilogies?  If it does, that means the second book is mediocre and all will be redeemed in third installment.  So should I read it?

I'll leave it up to you my adoring fans.  Let me know what you think.

Armchair BEA: The Best of 2012

The best of of 2012?

Well I've read a total of 61 books, essays, short stories, etc. and below are a smattering of what I've liked:

Red, White, and Blood by Christopher Farnsworth
I am a huge fan of this series and I finally got to meet Mr. Farnsworth this year.

The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James
Just finished this last week and it was awesome!  A great ghost story for a rainy Saturday morning.

The Rook by Daniel O'Malley
This book was such a joy to read!  O'Malley created such a fabulous alternate reality that sometimes I forgot that it wasn't my life.

I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern
To say I feel neurotic when I’m dating is an understatement. I worry so much. Does he like me? Could he be the one? What if he is the one and I screw it up? This thoughts get me so stressed out that I often consider becoming the crazy dog lady and never leaving my apartment again. Reading I Suck at Girls by Justin Halpern reminded me that this happens to everyone.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Trailer Time: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

There is no a good place to begin, but I will start by telling you that I am very concerned about the anyone's ability to make this book into a movie. 

How do you tell a visual story from something that was written as a series of anonymous letters?  How can a director convey loneliness and heartbreak that occurs for a young man who can never quite find his place in life?  I don't know, but watching this trailer gives me a glimmer of hope.

The Trailer for The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I guess asking the the author, Stephen Chbosky, to write and direct the film was a good idea.

Armchair BEA Introductions

1.       Please tell us a bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging?  Why did you get into blogging? 
My name is Sandy and I’ve been blogging for about 8 months now.  This all came about when I was laid off last fall.  A fabulous book on getting a job and making a career plan called, What Color is Your Parachute?, suggested the people increase their online presence by blogging about a subject about which they are passionate and can speak intelligently.  For me, that’s reading. 
I’m not sure that my blog helped me get my new job, but it has turned into a place where I can improve my writing and share my love for books.  It’s truly been a wonderful experience, so far. 
2.       What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?
Right now, I’m working my way through the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris.  It had been so long since I started the series that when I read book number 12, Deadlocked, last month, I couldn’t remember all the characters, so I decided to refresh my memory.  The books are still as enjoyable today as when I first read them.
3.       Tell us one non-book related thing that everyone reading your blog may not know about you. 
My random non-book related fact is that I collect Swatches. 
It all began in 1988, when Santa brought me a Swatch for Christmas.  I was one of 3 lucky third graders at my school to actually have one, but as kids tend to do, I lost it less than three months later.  Of course, my mother had me tear my room apart, but the Swatch was never found – until over decade later.
Now, fast forward eleven years to when my family (Mom, Dad and sister) moved from Cleveland, OH to Houston, TX.  I was unpacking a moving carton that was almost as tall as I am and there at the bottom of the box, was my 1988 Swatch.  I screamed for joy and ran to tell my mother about it.
That one Swatch started a collection and today I have bought and been given as a gifts a total of 12 Swatches.  Currently, my eye is on the 2012 Special Edition London Summer Games Swatch. 
4.       What is your favorite feature on your blog (i.e. author interviews, memes, something specific to your blog)?
On my old tumblr blog, I also reviewed films that strted as books.  While this section has not been translated over to my new Google blog (I haven’t seen any movies from books since I opened it), it’s something I really enjoy doing, because I’m movie buff as well.  It’s nice to be able to combine my love for both topics. 
5.       Where do you see your blog in five years?
Well, I would like to see my blog expand.  At the moment, my postings are mainly about reviews and bringing attention to a little of the news in the publishing world, but I also want this blog to be an advocate for literacy.  Reading has made such an impact on my life that I need to share it with others and I would like to my blog to be a forum in which I can do that. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Khmer Kill by Barry Eisler

One of my favorite series is the John Rain Series by Barry Eisler and even though I love his lead character, I always find myself fascinated with John's friend, Dox.  In my mind, he's a tall rangy man with a quick smile and a gravelly Texas twang in his voice, but when pushed too far, that grin becomes deadly.

Did I mention that Dox is a free lance assassin?  Little things.

In this new short story, we find Dox getting ready for a "business meeting" in Cambodia.  As usual, things get a little out hand, but it's nothing Dox can't handle.

If you want a fun and fast paced read, then this is the story for you.  Highly recommended for fans of Jack Reacher or Elvis & Joe!

A New Generation of Handmaids?

The New Handmaids: The future of reproductive rights, as seen in three young adult novels by Chelsey Philpot

As someone who is a huge fan of The Handmaid's Tale this piece really piqued my interest.  I've read Bumped and it's sequel Thumped by Megan McCafferty, so I'm excited to see what Eve by Anna Carey and Partials by Dan Wells have to offer.  Two more books for my list!!!!