Friday, October 17, 2014

Another Jack Reacher movie!

Looks like Lee Child did well enough to warrant a sequel.  HOORAY!!!!!  Click here for more info!

Retro Review: Red, White & Blood by Christopher Farnsworth

Check out a review from my original tumblr blog about Nathaniel Cade.

Even Nathaniel Cade is worried this time.

The President is on the campaign trail when he receives a threat from the Boogeyman - the only being Cade has killed that refuses to stay dead.  So what will our hero do, what will he do when the Commander in Chief insists on continuing his campaign for the White House - through all hours of night and day?  With bodies piling up at each stop, Zach and Nathaniel have to move before the Boogeyman strikes again! 
One of the first things Farnsworth got asked at his [2012] appearance at Murder by the Book was, “When will the next one be out?”  His responded that he had just finished writing a stand alone novel and he was in the process of outlining the next Cade book. At the time, that answer seemed perfectly acceptable, but now I want to chain him to a desk until he’s finished writing the next book.  
The last 10 pages of this book totally blew my mind!!!!!!  
Come on, Christopher Farnsworth!  You don’t really need to eat, sleep or spend time with you family do you????  WRITE MY BOOK!!!!!!!!

Nathaniel Cade & Crossovers

Nathaniel Cade & Crossovers

In the entire time I had this blog (even when I was keeping up with it on a regular basis), I cannot believe that I never mentioned the Nathaniel Cade series by Christopher Farnsworth.  These books are superb.  The plot, the writing, everything.  I am absolutely crazy about them and one of the things I adore about them are the references.  

Farnsworth has this magical way of paying homage to classic science fiction and horror, by mentioning them as part of Cade's previous investigations and they are so subtle, that you can almost miss them.  The incident at Camp Crystal Lake (Friday the 13th), uncovering an alien aircraft during an Arctic expedition (The Thing), agent Samsa (The Metamorphosis).  And those are some of the more obvious ones.  

Anyways there are some really good articles from Crossover Universe that list all of the references. Definitely something to be checked out!!!

PS.  I'll also see if I can scrounge up any of my old reviews of Cade series.  

Stephen King and...Jack Reacher???

Stephen King and...Jack Reacher???

I read Under the Dome back in 2009 and although I found the book enjoyable, the end was very disappointing.  So it fell off my radar - until today.  It came to my attention that Stephen King mentions Jack Reacher in the book.  No veiled references.  He actually writes the words Jack Reacher.  

It saddens me that I missed it, but it warms my heart to know it's there.

Check out this article if you want to read the actual text.

PS.  Thanks to Crossover Universe for bringing this to my attention.  

Friday, September 13, 2013

The October Daye series by Seanan McGuire

Hello good readers!  I know it's been a while, but I wanted to share with you one of my new favorite series - the October Daye Series by Seanan McGuire. 

If you like Sookie Stackhouse or you remember what the Anita Blake series was like in the beginning (before the books became all about Anita feeling angsty about sex, Anita having amazing metaphysical sex and her guilt about having unconventional and amazing metaphysical sex), you will love the October Daye books. 

When we meet October (Toby) she is young woman with a family, who also happens to be half fey (aka a changling).  While on a mission to find the her fey Duke's missing wife and daughter, Toby disappears and when finally she returns, 14 years have passed.  Now she try rebuild her existancce as well as solve her friend Coountess Winterose's murder, before Winterrose's dying curse takes Toby's own life. 

This series is absolutely wonderful.  I plow through each book, because the pacing and the characterization is so good.  In fact, when I finished book 4, I almost ran over to my local bookstore to grab number 5!!!!

Highly reccommeneded!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Review: The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

What if a Chicago serial killer constantly evaded justice, not because he out smarted the police, but hecause everytime he committed a murder, he escaped into the past...or future.  What if one of his victims lived and refused to let her attempted murderer get away?

The Shining Girls is like watching The Sixth Sense for the first time - the way your head spins when the twist is revealed.  It leaves you breathless, buzzing with questions and an intense desire to talk about it just to see what other people think.  I'm still trembling with excitement.

Beukes is AMAZING!  When you are tracking a series of different characters over 60 years inside the same city, your attention to detail must be flawless.  In every time period, with each different voice, I felt as if I was with the characters - the chill crept into my bones as Harper and I walked through the snow on a Depression Era evening or the panicked adreneline jammed into my stomach as when Kirby and I realize we may not live.  Beukes made me feel every second of that book and I can hardly come down from the high.

Highly reccommended for fans of gritty mysteries as long as you can handle a hefty helping of time travel! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

On the Horizon: Disaster Artist by Greg Sestero & Tom Bissell

Have you heard of Tommy Wiseau's The Room?  If not, please answer the following questions:

1. Do you expect your films to have plot and semi-decent acting?  Then skip the rest of this review.

2. Do you love bad films?  Keep reading!

For those of you not familiar with The Room...let's just say that it's become Millennial's answer to The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  There's no discernible plot - just a collection of random scenes held together by an overly enthusiastic bad actor with a heavy accent.  It's magical.

Anyways, I just found out that Greg Sestero (the best friend in the film) is writing a book on his experiences on set.  This is going to be epic!