Friday, September 13, 2013

The October Daye series by Seanan McGuire

Hello good readers!  I know it's been a while, but I wanted to share with you one of my new favorite series - the October Daye Series by Seanan McGuire. 

If you like Sookie Stackhouse or you remember what the Anita Blake series was like in the beginning (before the books became all about Anita feeling angsty about sex, Anita having amazing metaphysical sex and her guilt about having unconventional and amazing metaphysical sex), you will love the October Daye books. 

When we meet October (Toby) she is young woman with a family, who also happens to be half fey (aka a changling).  While on a mission to find the her fey Duke's missing wife and daughter, Toby disappears and when finally she returns, 14 years have passed.  Now she try rebuild her existancce as well as solve her friend Coountess Winterose's murder, before Winterrose's dying curse takes Toby's own life. 

This series is absolutely wonderful.  I plow through each book, because the pacing and the characterization is so good.  In fact, when I finished book 4, I almost ran over to my local bookstore to grab number 5!!!!

Highly reccommeneded!!!!!!!!! 

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