Monday, April 22, 2013

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Usually all my reviews begin with a brief summary of the book, but because I don't want to spoil even a second of this plot for anyone all I will only tell you this:

This book is about a girl with cancer.  You will laugh.  You will ball your eyes out, but you will never be sorry you read it.

This book is perfection.  Children with cancer are always described as strong and heroic and while Hazel is all of these things, she's also a 16 year old girl - a sarcastic, eye rolling teenager, trying to navigate her life.  She makes it clear to the reader that her disease may dictate what she is able to do, but it doesn't define her as a person.

And Augustus...sigh. Forget about Edward Cullen!  Augustus is the sweet, playful guy I fall in love with - my Jesse Swanson (Pitch Perfect) or Jim Halpert (The Office).  Most of the time, this type of chracter gets overlooked for the bad boy or the sauve guy, but Green makes lets him shine.  Within pages of meeting him, like Hazel, you will wonder where he has been all your life. 

Highly reccomended for those who love:
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
  • Megan McCafferty's Jessica Darling series
  • Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

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