Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review: The Dinner by Herman Koch

Dinner with family.  Sometimes fun and enjoyable, but for two brothers, it's not just about sibling rivalry.  It's their children and life as they know it hangs in the balance.

The WSJ called this novel, "A European Gone Girl".  They may have exaggerated a bit...or a lot to say the least.  This book did nothing for me, mostly because I could not connect with the lead character/narrator - the less famous brother.  

He spent the majority of the story trying to prove what a jerk his brother was.  Arrogance, the way he orders food, his constant politician's smile, his summer home, how he consumes his meal, his adopted the time I got to the problem with the children, I was just bored.  

If I wanted to watch 2 people attack one another that much, I'd start paying more attention to politics.  

On the bright side, I finished a book club book weeks before the meeting, rather than the morning of.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Life Lessons from Jurassic Park

Dear Scientific Community,

It recently came to my attention that is a growing movement to revive certain extinct species.  There was even an independently organized TED event hosted in Washington DC last (15 March 2013). 

While I understand the fascination with this concept, I am a bit perturbed.  Did anyone read and/or watch Jurassic Park or any of it's sequels?  Seriously.  None of those books/movies ended well. 

Maybe this is something you should consider before moving forward with this project.

Fox in the Stacks

Friday, March 8, 2013

Review: Death in the Floating City by Tasha Alexander

Venice should be a romantic place, but when Emily and Colin are working on a case, there's little time for romance. 

Our hero and heroine have are being employed by a childhood frenemy of Emily, who needs to locate her missing husband and ascertain who murdered her father in law.  This journey will take them back over 100 years to a pair of star crossed lovers from feuding families. 

As you all know, I am a huge fan of the Lady Emily series.  I love how progressive and daring the character is for her time as well as the beautiful relationship between Emily and Colin.  It's sweet and genuine, but what really struck me this time, was the mystery. 

Alexander could have easily used this book as a retelling of Romeo & Juliet, but instead, she dove deeper.  We get a tale of enduring love and faithfulness that I got so engrossed in that sometimes, I didn't want to switch back to Emily. 

So lovely!  Highly recommended for fans of the Lady Julia series! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Some thoughts on addiction by Russell

 This was such a good piece of writing, that I just had to share it with all of you. 

Russell Brand gives us a very honest insight into what addiction is, what the best way to cope with it is and the new cause he's supporting.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Doctor Sleep Book Cover!

Doctor Sleep, the sequel to The Shining hass cover art!  Gorgeous, right? 

Check out the rest of the story from GalleyCat.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Review: The Shining by Stephen King

Danny Torrence knows things. He can tell you about a phone call he wasn't in the room to hear or what you were thinking about a moment ago. Most of all Danny knows, Daddy, Mommy and him, should not spend the winter in the Overlook Hotel, but when you're only 5 years old, how can you warn anyone?

This book works so well on so many different levels, but what really sells it is Danny the - perfect balance between knowledge and innocence.  Here is this little boy, whose vocabulary and sentence structure is years beyond him, but the shining always leaves him confused - even comatose at times.  The same gift makes him highly empathetic to people, but he doesn't always understand what their feelings mean.  While he wants to understand it all, at 5 Danny already knows how too much information can people hurt people and has already begun to keep secrets in order to protect those he loves.  It's as if he's been given a dictionary to read without knowing the alphabet.

It's a masterpiece of terror.  Can't wait to read the sequel!!!