Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James

Sarah Piper is not sure how to respond when the handsome Alistair Gellis asks her to become a ghost hunter.  It would be strange unheard of today, but unheard of for London, 1922.  So Ms. Piper does the only things she can do - she tells him yes and with that one word, her whole life changes.

In a quiet English village, Sarah meets the Maddy Clare, a tortured soul in life, who has has become a destructive force after her death and Sarah soon learns that Maddy is not ready to leave yet - not until she has taken her revenge on those who have harmed her.

I started this book on Monday night and if it hadn't been for that pesky thing called work, I would have stayed up until dawn reading it.  The novel is a chilling ghost story with a touch of coming of age that kept me guessing at every turn.

This book is highly recommended for curling up in bed on a rainy Saturday morning.

The Selection Debacle

As someone who's only been book blogging for 8 months, I was aware that professional authors have been known to attack bloggers for negative reviews.  At this point, my blog is relatively unknown and I do not generally post negative reviews, so this has not been a problem for me thus far.  This piece by Wendy Darling shocked me.

Breaking the Silence: The Selection Debacle

Authors have a right to take pride in their work.  A book can take months, even years, to write and to be lucky enough to have it published is an accomplishment to be celebrated.  It’s not an easy feat, but then to outright attack another person just because they did not care for the work demonstrates a real lack of maturity. 

As a reader, I have a right to my opinion.  I am allowed to tell people how I felt about a certain novel and the fact that instead of just telling my closest friends, I am now posting it in a public forum should not change that.  Wendy Darling posted her negative review in a respectful manner, but the author and the publisher chose not treat her in the same way. 

While I am happy that both parties chose to privately apologize to Wendy, the fact is the whole incident was should never have occurred in the first place.  The author and the publisher should have had the common sense to understand that this was opinion of one person and not the masses.  By attacking one negative review, they have damaged their own reputations more so than blogger’s bad review ever could have. 

Where does this leave me?  Well first of all, I will not read be reading The Selection.  Even though it was on my “to read” list before this debacle, I simply will not support an author who condones this type of behavior. 

Will I break my silence on negative reviews?  I’m not sure.  This has certainly opened my eyes to the risks of doing so, but I’ll just have to wait until I have read something less than thrilling to find out if how what I am willing to state or in this case…not state.

'Night Circus' author Erin Morgenstern talks about writing by Deirdre Donahue

This interview should really be called "Badgering an Author about Writing Sequels"

'Night Circus' author Erin Morgenstern talks about writing by Deirdre Donahue

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"The day I met Mr. Gellis, I had been walking in the rain."

- The opening from The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paramont Changes the Title of the New Jack Reacher Film

Paramont is changing the title of the movie One Shot to Jack Reacher.  I'd complain, but I never tire of hearing the name Jack Reacher.

Murder by the Book on Kiss & Thrill

For those of you not aware of my absolute favorite book store in the world, Murder by the Book in Houston, TX, this is a piece on what makes it so special and why all mystery lovers should shop there!

Goliath? Meet David by Sarah Andre

Friday, May 25, 2012

Baz Luhrman's The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the few books I was assigned in high school that I actually enjoyed.  The beautiful and haunting Mr. Gatsby, the frivolous waif Daisy and Nick - Nick always watching and wondering how he got caught up in this mess…sigh.  The book still takes my breath away. 
Okay, so does Robert Redford.  He is lovely to watch in the title role in the 1974 film version of Gatsby.  So you can imagine how my curiosity was piqued when I heard Baz Luhrman was taking on the remake. 
With Romeo & Juliet and Moulin Rouge Luhrman has proved that he has the skill to capture the hedonism and decadence the books describes, so in my mind, the movie was already going to be good.  Then I saw the trailer - it looks gorgeous, a beautiful cross between The Aviator & Moulin Rouge.  Oh and the casting...Leo and Toby could not be more perfect as the enigmatic Gatsby and the somber Nick.  I’m so excited! 
I guess we know what I’ll be reading next….

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why shouldn't I be excited about what makes me happy?

Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James

Anastasia Steel.  Did you know when you interviewed the hottest entrepreneur under 30, Christian Grey, what you were getting into?  Did you know you would fall for a man who desires such complete and utter control of every aspect of his life that it spills into the bedroom as well?  No, you did not, but did ever even dream that you'd want to find out?

And that's why 50 Shades works so well, because it allows the reader to live out the wonder of what if....

The writing in this book is not exemplary, but James does one thing very effectively - the descriptions of both Ana and Christian are rather vague.  In fluffy romance this would be a no, no, because they like full and detailed descriptions how slender and pretty the girl is and how strong and manly our hero is.  However, in this style of fiction, it works perfectly, because the reader gets place whomever he/she wants to in the center of action.   Intentional or not, it really adds the experience.  So bravo, Ms. James!  

Did I like this book?  Yes, I am not afraid to tell this audience that I did enjoy it, but I would not recommend it to everyone.  The author's lack of experience may be too distracting for the literary minded and the subject matter may too provocative for others.  If neither those of sully your tastes, then you are in for real treat!  Crack open a bottle of wine and enjoy!

So Stacy Ratner, may be my new hero.  At 35, she decided to turn her love of reading into a literacy project in Chicago, IL.  HelloGiggles has done a fabulous profile on her.  So Stacy, I know I'm 32, but could I be you when I grow up?

Women Working To Do Good: Stacy Ratner’s Awesome Power of Used Books by Tashween Ali

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The New Blog

For those of you who are not familiar with me, I am Oh the Book Girl.  My original blog was at tumblr, but now I'm slowly moving things over to Blogger.  So be patient!

I'll be archiving all my old posts from tumblr as well as adding news.  Enjoy exploring!!!