Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James

Sarah Piper is not sure how to respond when the handsome Alistair Gellis asks her to become a ghost hunter.  It would be strange unheard of today, but unheard of for London, 1922.  So Ms. Piper does the only things she can do - she tells him yes and with that one word, her whole life changes.

In a quiet English village, Sarah meets the Maddy Clare, a tortured soul in life, who has has become a destructive force after her death and Sarah soon learns that Maddy is not ready to leave yet - not until she has taken her revenge on those who have harmed her.

I started this book on Monday night and if it hadn't been for that pesky thing called work, I would have stayed up until dawn reading it.  The novel is a chilling ghost story with a touch of coming of age that kept me guessing at every turn.

This book is highly recommended for curling up in bed on a rainy Saturday morning.

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you can't put a book down. I need to add this to my very long TBR list!

    Kate @ Ex Libris
