Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James

Anastasia Steel.  Did you know when you interviewed the hottest entrepreneur under 30, Christian Grey, what you were getting into?  Did you know you would fall for a man who desires such complete and utter control of every aspect of his life that it spills into the bedroom as well?  No, you did not, but did ever even dream that you'd want to find out?

And that's why 50 Shades works so well, because it allows the reader to live out the wonder of what if....

The writing in this book is not exemplary, but James does one thing very effectively - the descriptions of both Ana and Christian are rather vague.  In fluffy romance this would be a no, no, because they like full and detailed descriptions how slender and pretty the girl is and how strong and manly our hero is.  However, in this style of fiction, it works perfectly, because the reader gets place whomever he/she wants to in the center of action.   Intentional or not, it really adds the experience.  So bravo, Ms. James!  

Did I like this book?  Yes, I am not afraid to tell this audience that I did enjoy it, but I would not recommend it to everyone.  The author's lack of experience may be too distracting for the literary minded and the subject matter may too provocative for others.  If neither those of sully your tastes, then you are in for real treat!  Crack open a bottle of wine and enjoy!

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