Friday, June 21, 2013

Review: The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

What if a Chicago serial killer constantly evaded justice, not because he out smarted the police, but hecause everytime he committed a murder, he escaped into the past...or future.  What if one of his victims lived and refused to let her attempted murderer get away?

The Shining Girls is like watching The Sixth Sense for the first time - the way your head spins when the twist is revealed.  It leaves you breathless, buzzing with questions and an intense desire to talk about it just to see what other people think.  I'm still trembling with excitement.

Beukes is AMAZING!  When you are tracking a series of different characters over 60 years inside the same city, your attention to detail must be flawless.  In every time period, with each different voice, I felt as if I was with the characters - the chill crept into my bones as Harper and I walked through the snow on a Depression Era evening or the panicked adreneline jammed into my stomach as when Kirby and I realize we may not live.  Beukes made me feel every second of that book and I can hardly come down from the high.

Highly reccommended for fans of gritty mysteries as long as you can handle a hefty helping of time travel!